Source code for pydent.marshaller.fields

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import auto
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

from pydent.marshaller.descriptors import CallbackAccessor
from pydent.marshaller.descriptors import MarshallingAccessor
from pydent.marshaller.descriptors import Placeholders
from pydent.marshaller.descriptors import RelationshipAccessor
from pydent.marshaller.exceptions import AllowNoneFieldValidationError
from pydent.marshaller.exceptions import RunTimeCallbackAttributeError
from pydent.marshaller.registry import ModelRegistry
from pydent.marshaller.utils import make_signature_str

[docs]class FieldABC(ABC): """Field abstract base class.""" _FIELD_ALLOW_NONE_DEFAULT = True @abstractmethod def serialize(self, owner, data: dict): pass @abstractmethod def deserialize(self, owner, data: dict): pass @abstractmethod def _serialize(self, owner, data: dict): pass @abstractmethod def _deserialize(self, owner, data: dict): pass
[docs]class Field(FieldABC): """A serialization/deserialization field.""" ACCESSOR = MarshallingAccessor
[docs] def __init__( self, many: bool = None, data_key: str = None, allow_none: bool = None, default: Any = Placeholders.DEFAULT, ): """A standard field. Performs no functions on serialized and deserialized data. :param many: whether to treat serializations and deserializations as\ a per-item basis in a list :type many: bool :param data_key: the data_key, or attribute name, of this field. \ Calling this as an attribute to the registered \ nested should return this field's descriptor. :type data_key: basestring :param allow_none: whether to return None if None is received in \ deserialization or serializaiton methods :type allow_none: bool :raises: AllowNoneFieldValidationError if None is received in \ serialize and deserialized methods \ and self.allow_none == False """ if allow_none is None: allow_none = self._FIELD_ALLOW_NONE_DEFAULT if many is None: many = False self.many = many self.objtype = None self.data_key = data_key self.allow_none = allow_none self.default = default
def set_data_key(self, key: str): self.data_key = key def _deserialize(self, owner, data: dict) -> dict: return data def _serialize(self, owner, data: dict) -> dict: return data def deserialize(self, owner, data: dict) -> Union[dict, None]: if data is None: if not self.allow_none: raise AllowNoneFieldValidationError( "None is not allowed for field '{}'".format(self.data_key) ) return None if self.many: for i, x in enumerate(data): data[i] = self._deserialize(owner, x) return data return self._deserialize(owner, data) def serialize(self, owner, data: dict) -> Union[dict, None, List]: if data is None: if not self.allow_none: raise AllowNoneFieldValidationError( "None is not allowed for field '{}'".format(self.data_key) ) return None if self.many: return [self._serialize(owner, d) for d in data] return self._serialize(owner, data)
[docs] def register(self, name: str, objtype: Type): """Registers the field to a nested class. Instantiates the corresponding descriptor (i.e. accessor) :param name: name of the field :param objtype: the nested class to register the field to :return: None :rtype: None """ self.objtype = objtype if name not in objtype.__dict__: key = name if self.data_key: key = self.data_key setattr( objtype, name, self.ACCESSOR( name=key, field=self, accessor=objtype._data_key, deserialized_accessor=objtype._deserialized_key, default=self.default, ), )
def __str__(self) -> str: return "<{cls} key='{objtype}.{key}' many={many} allow_none={allow_none}>".format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, key=self.data_key, many=self.many, allow_none=self.allow_none, objtype=self.objtype, )
[docs]class Nested(Field): """Represents a field that returns another nested instance."""
[docs] def __init__( self, nested, many: bool = None, data_key: str = None, allow_none: bool = None, lazy: bool = None, ): """Nested relationship initializer. :param nested: the nested name of nested field. \ Should exist in the ModelRegistery. :type nested: SchemaModel :param many: whether to treat serializations and deserializations as \ a per-item basis in a list :type many: bool :param data_key: the data_key, or attribute name, of this field. \ Calling this as an attribute to the registered \ nested should return this field's descriptor. :type data_key: basestring :param allow_none: whether to return None if None is received in\ deserialization or serializaiton methods :type allow_none: bool :param lazy: if set to True (default), perform lazy serialization and\ deserialization. If the data received \ by `deserialize` is the expected nested, return that data. \ If the object recieved by `serialize` is not the expected nested, return that data. :type lazy: """ self.nested = nested if lazy is None: self.lazy = True if allow_none is None: allow_none = self._FIELD_ALLOW_NONE_DEFAULT super().__init__(many, data_key, allow_none)
def get_model(self): return ModelRegistry.get_model(self.nested) def _deserialize(self, owner, data: dict): if data is None and self.allow_none: return None elif self.lazy and isinstance(data, self.get_model()): return data return self.get_model()._set_data(data, owner) def _serialize(self, owner, obj): if obj is None and self.allow_none: return None elif self.lazy and not isinstance(obj, self.get_model()): return obj return obj._get_data()
[docs]class Callback(Field): """Make a callback when called.""" class __FLAGS(Enum): SELF = auto() SELF = __FLAGS.SELF ACCESSOR = CallbackAccessor
[docs] def __init__( self, callback: Union[Callable, str], callback_args: Tuple = None, callback_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, cache: bool = False, data_key: str = None, many: bool = None, allow_none: bool = None, always_dump: bool = False, ): """A Callback field initializer. :param callback: name of the callback function or a callable.\ If a name, the name should exist\ as a function in the owner instance. Invalid callback signatures are captures\ on class creation. :type callback: callable|basestring :param callback_args: a tuple of arguments to use in the callback. If any of\ the callback arguments or\ values of the callback kwargs are callable, the owner will be passed to the\ callable. The owner instance will\ replace any arguments that are `Callback.SElF` :type callback_args: tuple :param callback_kwargs: a dictionary of kwargs to use in the callback :type callback_kwargs: dict :param cache: whether to cache the result using `setattr` on the owner instance.\ This will initialize the\ serialization and deserialization procedures detailed in the corresponding\ field/descriptor. :type cache: bool :param many: whether to treat serializations and deserializations as a per-item\ basis in a list :type many: bool :param allow_none: whether to return None if None is received in deserialization\ or serializaiton methods :type allow_none: bool :param data_key: the data_key, or attribute name, of this field. Calling this\ as an attribute to the registered\ nested should return this field's descriptor. :param always_dump: if True, this field will be serialized by default :type always_dump: bool """ super().__init__(many, data_key, allow_none) self.callback = callback self.always_dump = always_dump if callback_args is None: callback_args = tuple() elif not isinstance(callback_args, (list, tuple)): callback_args = (callback_args,) self.callback_args = tuple(callback_args) if callback_kwargs is None: callback_kwargs = {} self.callback_kwargs = dict(callback_kwargs) self.cache = cache
def _callback_signature(self, args=None, kwargs=None): if args is None: args = self.callback_args if kwargs is None: kwargs = self.callback_kwargs return "{func}{args}".format( func=self.callback, args=make_signature_str(args, kwargs) )
[docs] def get_callback_args(self, owner, extra_args: dict = None) -> List[Any]: """Processes the callback args.""" args = [] callback_args = list(self.callback_args) if extra_args: callback_args += list(extra_args) try: for a in callback_args: if a is self.SELF: args.append(owner) elif callable(a): args.append(a(owner)) else: args.append(a) except AttributeError as e: raise RunTimeCallbackAttributeError( "There was an error retrieving callback arguments for '{sig}' due to:\n" "{e}".format( sig=self._callback_signature(), e="{}: {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, e), ) ) from e return args
[docs] def get_callback_kwargs(self, owner, extra_kwargs: dict) -> dict: """Processes the callback kwargs.""" kwargs = {} callback_kwargs = dict(self.callback_kwargs) if extra_kwargs: callback_kwargs.update(extra_kwargs) try: for k, v in callback_kwargs.items(): if callable(v): kwargs[k] = v(owner) elif v is self.SELF: kwargs[k] = owner else: kwargs[k] = v except AttributeError as e: raise RunTimeCallbackAttributeError( "There was an error retrieving callback keyword arguments for " "'{func}({args})' due to:\n{e}".format( func=self.callback, args=self._callback_signature(), e="{}: {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, e), ) ) from e return kwargs
[docs] def fullfill( self, owner, cache: bool = None, extra_args: tuple = None, extra_kwargs: dict = None, ) -> Any: """Calls the callback function using the owner object. A Callback.SELF arg value will be replaced to be equivalent to the owner instance model. :param owner: the owning object :param cache: if True, will cache the return in the deserialized data.\ On next call, the cached result will be returned. :param extra_args: extra args to pass to the callback function :param extra_kwargs: extra kwargs to pass to the callback function :return: function result :rtype: any """ if callable(self.callback): func = self.callback else: func = getattr(owner, self.callback) callback_args = self.get_callback_args(owner, extra_args=extra_args) callback_kwargs = self.get_callback_kwargs(owner, extra_kwargs=extra_kwargs) try: val = func(*tuple(callback_args), **callback_kwargs) except AttributeError as e: raise RunTimeCallbackAttributeError( "There was an calling '{signature}' due to:\n{e}".format( signature=self._callback_signature(callback_args, callback_kwargs), e="{}: {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, e), ) ) from e if cache is None: cache = self.cache if cache: self.cache_result(owner, val) return val
def cache_result(self, owner, val): setattr(owner, self.data_key, val) def _deserialize(self, owner, data: dict): raise NotImplementedError( "_deserialize is not implemented for field {}".format(self) ) def deserialize(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "deserialize is not implemented for field {}".format(self) )
[docs]class Relationship(Callback): """A composition (Callback/Nested) field that uses a callback to retrieve a model.""" ACCESSOR = RelationshipAccessor
[docs] def __init__( self, nested, callback: Union[Callable, str], callback_args: Tuple = None, callback_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, cache: bool = True, data_key: str = None, many: bool = None, allow_none: bool = None, always_dump: bool = False, ): """Relationship initializer. :param nested: the nested name of nested field. Should exist in the ModelRegistery. :type nested: SchemaModel :param callback: name of the callback function or a callable. \ If a name, the name should exist as a function in the owner instance. \ Invalid callback signatures are captures on class creation. :type callback: callable|basestring :param callback_args: a tuple of arguments to use in the callback. \ If any of the callback arguments or values of the callback kwargs \ are callable, the owner will be passed to the callable. \ The owner instance will replace any arguments that are `Callback.self` :type callback_args: tuple :param callback_kwargs: a dictionary of kwargs to use in the callback :type callback_kwargs: dict :param cache: whether to cache the result using `setattr` on the owner instance. \ This will initialize the serialization and deserialization \ procedures detailed in the corresponding field/descriptor. :type cache: bool :param many: whether to treat serializaations and deserializations as a\ per-item basis in a list :type many: bool :param data_key: the data_key, or attribute name, of this field. \ Calling this as an attribute to the registered nested should \ return this field's descriptor. """ super().__init__( callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs, cache, data_key, many, allow_none, always_dump, ) self.nested_field = Nested(nested, many, data_key) self.nested = nested self.callback_args = tuple([nested] + list(self.callback_args))
def deserialize(self, owner, val): return self.nested_field.deserialize(owner, val) def serialize(self, owner, obj): return self.nested_field.serialize(owner, obj)
[docs]class Alias(Callback): """A shallow alias to another field."""
[docs] def __init__(self, field_name: str): """Alias field initialize. Exposes a shallow alias to another field that can be accessed by a different attribute key. :param field_name: the key of the other field :type field_name: basestring """ self.alias = field_name super().__init__( self.alias_callback, callback_args=(Callback.SELF, self.alias), always_dump=True, data_key=field_name, )
@staticmethod def alias_callback(m, field_name: str) -> Any: return getattr(m, field_name)