Installing Trident

Installing Trident is easy. You’ll need Python3.7 and pip3.

You can install or upgrade Trident from the PyPI repository using:

pip3 install pydent -U

If you need to install a specific version, you can run:

pip3 install pydent==0.1.0-apha -U

Thats it!

Installation for developers

You can pull the git repo from here.

To install the trident dependencies in a virual environment, you first need poetry, which can generally be installed with the following:

curl -sSL | python
source $HOME/.poetry/env

Finally, once you cd into the trident directory, simply run

poetry install

which will install the dependencies in your virtual environement (or create a new one if you are not in a virtual environment).

From there, you can run the normal command from within the environment using:

poetry run [command]

Such as running pytest:

poetry run pytest tests

Or you can opening a virtual env shell:

poetry shell