Inventory Management

TBD here we describe the difference components of the Aquarium LIMS system and the control offered by Trident.

Creating new samples

yeast_strain = session.SampleType.find_by_name("Yeast Strain")
yeast_instance =
    name='my new yeast',
    description='This is the CEN.PK2 strain integrated with X at locus Y',
    project='Grant XNY Preproposal',
    properties={ here

Updating sample properties

Update properties using the update_properties method and providing a dictionary.

    'QC Primer1': session.Sample.find(1),
    'QC_length': 1332

Creating new items

TBD here we showcase how to create new items

Creating new collections

TBD here we showcase how to create new multi-part collections, such as 96-well plates.

Saving inventory

TBD here we showcase how to save inventory to Aquarium