Source code for pydent.browser

Browser (:mod:`pydent.browser`)

.. versionadded:: 0.1
    Browser class created

.. currentmodule:: pydent.browser

Browser class for searching and cacheing results.
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from difflib import get_close_matches
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Union

import networkx as nx

from pydent import models as pydent_models
from pydent.base import ModelBase
from pydent.exceptions import ForbiddenRequestError
from pydent.exceptions import TridentBaseException
from pydent.interfaces import QueryInterface
from pydent.interfaces import QueryInterfaceABC
from pydent.marshaller import ModelRegistry
from pydent.models import Sample
from pydent.relationships import BaseRelationship
from pydent.sessionabc import SessionABC
from pydent.utils import logger
from pydent.utils.logging_helpers import did_you_mean

# TODO: browser documentation
# TODO: examples in sphinx
# TODO: methods to help pull relevant data from plans (user specifies types of data to
#       pull, and trident should pull and cache in the most efficient way possible)

[docs]class BrowserException(TridentBaseException): """Generic browser exception."""
[docs]class Browser(QueryInterfaceABC): """A class for browsing models and Aquarium inventory.""" # TODO: ability to block model callbacks to enforce cache INTERFACE_CLASS = QueryInterface ACCEPTED_GET_RELATION_TYPES = [ "HasOne", "HasMany", "HasManyThrough", "HasManyGeneric", ]
[docs] def __init__(self, session: SessionABC, inherit_models: bool = False): """Instantiates a new browser from a AqSession instance. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.5a7 'inherit_models' argument will inherit the sessions model_cache (default: False) :param session: a session instance :param inherit_models: if True, the browser will inherit the cache in the provided session's browser model_cache :type session: SessionABC """ self.session = session self._list_models_fxn = self.sample_list self.use_cache = True self.model = Sample self.model_list_cache = {} self.model_cache = {} self.log = logger(name="Browser@{}".format(session.url)) if session.browser and inherit_models: self.update_cache(session.browser.models)
@property def model_name(self): return self.model.__name__ # TODO: change session interface (find, where, etc.) to use cache IF use_ # cache = True # TODO: where and find queries can sort through models much more quickly than # Aquarium, but can fallback to Aq @property def models(self): models = [] for v in self.model_cache.values(): models += list(v.values()) return models
[docs] def set_model(self, model_name): """Sets the default model of this browser.""" self.model = ModelRegistry.get_model(model_name) if model_name == "Sample": self._list_models_fxn = self.sample_list else: self._list_models_fxn = self._generic_list_models
[docs] def interface(self, model_class=None): """Returns a new model query interface. :param model_class: :type model_class: basestring :return: Interface :rtype: QueryInterface """ if model_class is None: model_class = self.model_name return self.session.model_interface( model_class, interface_class=self.INTERFACE_CLASS )
def _generic_list_models(self, **query): models = self.where(query, self.model_name) return ["{}: {}".format(, for m in models]
[docs] def sample_list(self, sample_type_id=None): """Returns a sample list.""" path = "sample_list" if sample_type_id is not None: path += "/" + str(sample_type_id) return self.session.utils.aqhttp.get(path)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the model cache.""" self.model_list_cache = {} self.model_cache = {}
def list_models(self, *args, **kwargs): def get_models(): return self._list_models_fxn(*args, **kwargs) if self.use_cache: models_cache = self.model_list_cache.get("models", {}) if self.model_name in models_cache: model_list = models_cache[self.model_name] else: model_list = get_models() else: model_list = get_models() self.model_list_cache.setdefault("models", {}) self.model_list_cache["models"][self.model_name] = model_list[:] return model_list
[docs] def where( self, query, model_class=None, primary_key="id", sample_type=None, methods=None, opts: Dict = None, page_size: int = None, include: Dict = None, ): """Perform a 'where' query. If models are found in the browser cache, those are returned, else new http queries are made to find the models. :param query: query as a dictionary :param model_class: model class to use (str) :param primary_key: which primary key to use (default: 'id') :param sample_type: optional sample_type short cut for finding samples :param kwargs: other kwargs :return: returned model list """ if model_class is None: model_class = self.model_name if sample_type is not None: sample_type_id = self.find_by_name(sample_type, "SampleType").id query.update({"sample_type_id": sample_type_id}) if self.use_cache and not methods and page_size is None: return self.cached_where( query, model_class, primary_key=primary_key, include=include, methods=methods, opts=opts, ) else: return self.server_where( query, model_class, opts=opts, include=include, methods=methods, page_size=page_size, )
def __query_helper( self, fname, query, model_class, sample_type=None, opts=None, params=None, as_single=False, ): """Builds a custom query for the browser. :param fname: the function name :type fname: basestring :param query: the query :type query: dict :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param sample_type: optional sample_type name :type sample_type: basestring :param opts: options to send to the function :type opts: dict :param params: additionaly keyword arguments to send to the function :type params: dict :param as_single: if True, will return the first model of the array or None if array is empty :type as_single: bool :return: Aquarium model or list of Aquarium models :rtype: ModelBase | list """ if model_class is None: model_class = self.model_name if query is None: query = dict() if params is None: params = dict() if sample_type is not None: query.update( {"sample_type_id": self.find_by_name(sample_type, "SampleType").id} ) interface = self.interface(model_class) fxn = getattr(interface, fname) if fname == "all": models = fxn(opts=opts, **params) else: models = fxn(query=query, opts=opts, **params) if as_single: models = [models] return self.update_cache(models).get(model_class, [])
[docs] def one(self, model_class=None, sample_type=None, query=None, opts=None): """Finds one instance of a model (or returns None) :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param sample_type: optional sample_type name :type sample_type: basestring :param query: additional query to filter models :type query: dict :param opts: additional options :type opts: dict :return: :rtype: """ models = self.__query_helper( "one", query, model_class, sample_type, opts=opts, as_single=True ) if not models: return None return models[0]
[docs] def last(self, num=1, model_class=None, sample_type=None, query=None): """Finds last models. Will NOT return cached models. :param num: number of models to return :type num: int :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param sample_type: optional sample_type name :type sample_type: basestring :param query: additional query to filter models :type query: dict :return: :rtype: """ return self.__query_helper( "last", query, model_class, sample_type, params=dict(num=num) )
[docs] def first(self, num=1, model_class=None, sample_type=None, query=None): """Finds first models. Will NOT return cached models. :param num: number of models to return :type num: int :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param sample_type: optional sample_type name :type sample_type: basestring :param query: additional query to filter models :type query: dict :return: :rtype: """ return self.__query_helper( "first", query, model_class, sample_type, params=dict(num=num) )
[docs] def find(self, model_id, model_class=None): """Finds a model by id. Will returned cached model if possible. :param model_id: model_id :type model_id: int :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :return: :rtype: """ if model_class is None: model_class = self.model_name if self.use_cache: return self.cached_find(model_class, model_id) return self.interface(model_class).find(model_id)
[docs] def find_by_name(self, name, model_class=None, primary_key="id"): """Find model by name. Will return cached model if possible. :param name: name of the model :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param primary_key: :return: """ models = self.where({"name": name}, model_class, primary_key=primary_key) if not models: return None return models[0]
[docs] def all(self, model_class=None, opts=None): """Return all models of a model_class. :param model_class: the name of the model class (e.g. "Sample") :type model_class: basestring :param opts: :type opts: :return: :rtype: """ return self.__query_helper("all", query={}, model_class=model_class, opts=opts)
[docs] @staticmethod def _match_query(query, model_dict): """Matches a query against a model dictionary. :param query: query dictionary :type query: dict :param model_dict: model dictionary (e.g. model.__dict__) :type model_dict: dict :return: whether the model matches the query :rtype: bool """ for query_key in query: if query_key not in model_dict: return False query_val = query[query_key] model_val = model_dict[query_key] if isinstance(query_val, list): if model_val not in query_val: return False elif model_val != query_val: return False return {k: model_dict[k] for k in query}
@classmethod def _find_matches(cls, query, models): found = [] found_queries = [] for m in models: match = cls._match_query(query, m._get_data()) if match: found.append(m) found_queries.append(match) return found, found_queries
[docs] def update_cache( self, models: List[ModelBase], recursive: bool = True, update_session: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, List[ModelBase]]: """Update the browser's model cache from a list of models. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.5a8 Added 'update_session' kwarg which will change the model's session to the browser's session. .. warning:: If `update_session=True`, the model's session will change and this may have unintended consequences. :param models: list of models :param recursive: if True, recursively collect all models contained in the relationships and use those to update the cache as well. :param update_session: if True, attach the browser's session to the models :return: the updated dictionary broken down by model class name """ assert isinstance(models, list) if recursive: memo = {} ModelBase._flatten_deserialized_data(models, memo) models = list(memo.values()) if update_session: for m in models: m._session = self.session return self._group_models_and_update_cache(models)
# TODO: do we really want to simply overwrite the dictionary or update the models?
[docs] def _update_model_cache_helper( self, modelname: str, modeldict: Dict ) -> List[ModelBase]: """Updates the browser's model cache with models from the provided model dict.""" "CACHE updated cached with {} {} models".format(len(modeldict), modelname) ) self.model_cache.setdefault(modelname, {}) model_cache_dict = self.model_cache[modelname] for mid in modeldict: model = modeldict[mid] if mid in model_cache_dict: cached_model = model_cache_dict[mid] vars(cached_model).update(vars(model)) else: model_cache_dict[mid] = model return [model_cache_dict[mid] for mid in modeldict]
def _group_models_and_update_cache(self, models): grouped_by_type = {} for model in models: classname = model.__class__.__name__ arr = grouped_by_type.setdefault(classname, []) if model is not None: arr.append(model) result = {} for clstype in grouped_by_type: result[clstype] = self._update_model_cache_helper( clstype, {m._primary_key: m for m in grouped_by_type[clstype]} ) return result # TODO: support unsaved models as well def cached_find(self, model_class, id): if isinstance(id, list): return self.cached_where({"id": id}, model_class) cached_models = self.model_cache.get(model_class, {}) found_model = cached_models.get(id, None) if found_model is None: found_model = self.interface(model_class).find(id) else: "CACHE found {} model with id={} in cache".format(model_class, id) ) if found_model is None: return None return self._update_model_cache_helper( model_class, { found_model} )[0] def server_where(self, query, model, opts, include, methods, page_size): return self.interface(model).where( query, opts=opts, methods=methods, include=include, page_size=page_size ) def cached_where( self, query, model, primary_key="id", methods: Dict = None, include: Dict = None, opts: Dict = None, ): if isinstance(query, str): server_models = self.server_where( query, model, opts=opts, methods=methods, include=include, page_size=None, ) found_dict = {} elif [] in query.values(): return [] else: cached_models = self.model_cache.get(model, {}) found, found_queries = self._find_matches( query, list(cached_models.values()) ) found_dict = { f for f in found} # TODO: this code is broken, remaining query remaining_query = dict(query) if primary_key in query: found_ids = [q[primary_key] for q in found_queries] query_id_list = query[primary_key] if isinstance(query_id_list, str) or isinstance(query_id_list, int): query_id_list = [query_id_list] remaining_ids = list(set(query_id_list).difference(set(found_ids))) remaining_query[primary_key] = remaining_ids "CACHE found {num} {model} models in cache using query {query}".format( num=len(found_dict), model=model, query=self.log.pprint_data(query) ) ) # TODO: this code may be sketchy... here {'id': []}, really means we found # all of the models.. if primary_key in remaining_query and not remaining_query[primary_key]: return list(found_dict.values()) server_models = self.interface(model).where(remaining_query, opts=opts) models_dict = OrderedDict({ s for s in server_models}) models_dict.update(found_dict) returned = self._update_model_cache_helper(model, models_dict) if opts: if opts.get("reverse", True) is False: returned = returned[::-1] if opts.get("limit", None): returned = returned[-opts["limit"] :] return returned def _search_helper(self, pattern, filter_fxn, sample_type=None, **query): sample_type_id = None if sample_type is not None: if isinstance(sample_type, pydent_models.SampleType): sample_type_id = else: sample_type_id = self.find_by_name(sample_type, "SampleType").id if sample_type_id is not None: query.update({"sample_type_id": sample_type_id}) model_list = self.list_models() "SEARCH found {} total models of type {}".format( len(model_list), self.model_name ) ) matches = filter_fxn(pattern, model_list) if not matches: return [] if query: query.update({"id": matches}) filtered = self.where(query, self.model_name) else: filtered = self.interface().find(matches) "SEARCH filtered to {} total models of type {}".format( len(filtered), self.model_name ) ) if self.use_cache: self.update_cache(filtered) return filtered
[docs] def search(self, pattern, ignore_case=True, sample_type=None, **query): """Performs a regular expression search of Samples. :param pattern: regular expression pattern :type pattern: basestring :param ignore_case: whether to ignore case for regex search (default: True) :type ignore_case: bool :param sample_type: sample_type_name to filter samples (optional) :type sample_type: basestring :param query: additional query parameters to filter by :type query: dict :return: list of samples :rtype: list """ def regex_filter(pattern, sample_list): matches = [] for name in sample_list: args = [] if ignore_case: args.append(re.IGNORECASE) m =, name, *args) if m is not None: matches.append(name) return matches return self._search_helper( pattern, regex_filter, sample_type=sample_type, **query )
[docs] def search_description( self, pattern, samples=None, sample_type=None, ignore_case=True ): """Search samples by their description. :param pattern: regex pattern :type pattern: basestring :param samples: samples to search. If left blank, a search to find samples will be performed :type samples: list :param sample_type: restrict to a particular sample type :type sample_type: name :param ignore_case: ignore case for regular pattern search (default True) :type ignore_case: bool :return: list of samples :rtype: list """ matches = [] args = [] if samples is None: samples =".*", sample_type=sample_type) if ignore_case: args.append(re.IGNORECASE) for sample in samples: description = sample.description if description is None: continue if, sample.description, *args): matches.append(sample) return matches
[docs] def close_matches(self, pattern, sample_type=None, **query): """Finds samples whose names closely match the pattern. :param pattern: regular expression pattern :type pattern: basestring :param sample_type: sample_type_name to filter samples (optional) :type sample_type: basestring :param query: additional query parameters to filter by :type query: dict :return: list of samples :rtype: list """ return self._search_helper( pattern, get_close_matches, sample_type=sample_type, **query )
[docs] def list_field_values(self, model_ids, **query): """Lists sample field values. May supply an additional query to filter :class:`FieldValue`. """ query.update({"parent_class": self.model_name, "parent_id": model_ids}) return self.where(query, "FieldValue")
[docs] @staticmethod def _group_by_attribute(models, attribute): """Group models by the given attribute.""" d = {} for s in models: arr = d.setdefault(getattr(s, attribute), []) arr.append(s) return d
def new_sample(self, sample_type, name, description, project, properties=None): st = self.find_by_name(sample_type, "SampleType", primary_key="name") if st._get_deserialized_data().get("field_types", None) is None: fts = self.where( {"parent_class": "SampleType", "parent_id":}, "FieldType" ) st.field_types = fts return st.new_sample(name, description, project, properties=properties) # TODO: handle not-yet existant samples using rid
[docs] def _retrieve_has_many_or_has_one( self, models, relationship_name, relation=None, strict=True ): """Performs exactly 1 query to fullfill some relationship for a list of models.""" if not models: return [] models = models[:] if relation is None: relation = models[0].get_relationships()[relationship_name] ref = relation.ref # sample_id attr = relation.attr # id model_class2 = relation.nested # todo: collect existing fullfilled relationship # todo: partition, then collect callback # todo: how to handle when model_attr is absent?, or just raise error? retrieve_query = relation.build_query(models) retrieved_models = self.where(retrieve_query, model_class2) "RETRIEVE retrieved {num} {cls} models using query {query}".format( num=len(retrieved_models), cls=model_class2, query=self.log.pprint_data(retrieve_query), ) ) if not retrieved_models: return [] if relation.QUERY_TYPE == "query": model_dict = { list() for m1 in models} for model in retrieved_models: model_ref = getattr(model, ref) if model_ref is not None: if not strict: model_dict.setdefault(model_ref, []).append(model) else: model_dict[model_ref].append(model) else: self.log.error( "RETRIEVE ref: {ref} {model_ref}, attr: {attr}".format( ref=ref, attr=attr, model_ref=model_ref ) ) elif relation.QUERY_TYPE == "by_id": retrieved_dict = {getattr(m2, attr): m2 for m2 in retrieved_models} model_dict = { None for m1 in models} missing_models = [] for model in models: model_attr = getattr(model, attr) model_ref = getattr(model, ref) if model_ref is not None: if model_attr is not None: if model_ref not in retrieved_dict: else: model_dict[model_attr] = retrieved_dict[model_ref] else: self.log.error( "attr: {attr}={model_attr}, ref: {ref}={model_ref}".format( ref=ref, attr=attr, model_attr=model_attr, model_ref=model_ref, ) ) if model_ref not in retrieved_dict: missing_models.append(model_ref) if missing_models: self.log.error( "INCONSISTENT AQUARIUM DATABASE - There where {models} missing {cls} " "models " "from the Aquarium database, which were ignored by trident. " "This happens when models are deleted from Aquarium which " "results in an inconsistent server database. Trident was unable " "resolve the following relationships which returned no models " "from the server: " "{cls}.where({attr}={missing})".format( models=len(missing_models), cls=model_class2, missing=missing_models, attr=attr, ) ) else: raise BrowserException( "QUERY_TYPE '{}' for relation '{}' not recognized.".format( relation.QUERY_TYPE, relationship_name ) ) for model in models: found_models = model_dict[getattr(model, attr)] setattr(model, relationship_name, found_models) return retrieved_models
[docs] def _retrieve_has_many_through( self, models: List[ModelBase], relationship_name: str, strict: bool = True ): """Performs exactly 2 queries to establish a HasManyThrough relationship.""" relation = models[0].get_relationships()[relationship_name] association_relation = models[0].get_relationships()[ relation.through_model_attr ] attr = relation.attr ref = association_relation.ref # find other key association_class = ModelRegistry.get_model(association_relation.nested) association_relationships = association_class.get_relationships() other_ref = None for r in association_relationships: ar = association_relationships[r] if ar.nested == relation.nested: other_ref = r associations = self._retrieve_has_many_or_has_one( models, relation.through_model_attr, strict=strict ) self._retrieve_has_many_or_has_one(associations, other_ref, strict=strict) associations_by_mid = {} for a in associations: associations_by_mid.setdefault(getattr(a, ref), []).append(a) all_models = [] for m in models: mid = getattr(m, attr) if mid in associations_by_mid: associations = associations_by_mid[mid] _models = [getattr(a, other_ref) for a in associations] setattr(m, relationship_name, _models) all_models += _models else: setattr(m, relationship_name, None) return list(set(all_models))
@staticmethod def _get_relation_from_model(model, relationship_name, strict): relationships = model.get_relationships() relation = relationships.get(relationship_name, None) if relation is None: if strict: msg = did_you_mean(relationship_name, list(relationships)) if not msg: msg = "Available relations: {}".format(pformat(list(relationships))) raise BrowserException( "Relation '{}' not found in relationships for {}.\nHint: {}".format( relationship_name, type(model), msg ) ) return relation
[docs] def retrieve( self, models: List[ModelBase], relationship_name: str, relation: BaseRelationship = None, strict: bool = True, force_refresh: bool = False, ) -> List[ModelBase]: """Retrieves a model relationship for the list of models. Compared to a `for` loop, `retrieve` is >10X faster for most queries. .. code-block:: python # FAST code example samples =".*mCherry.*") items = browser.retrieve(samples, 'items') for s in samples: sample_items = s.items # do something with items .. code-block:: python # very SLOW code example. DO NOT USE. samples =".*mCherry.*") for s in samples: sample_items = s.items # do something with itmes :param models: list of models to retrieve the attribute :type models: list :param relationship_name: name of the attribute to retrieve :type relationship_name: basestring :param relation: the relation to retrieve (operational) :type relation: pydent.relationships.Relation :param strict: wither to ignore database inconsistencies :type strict: bool :return: list of models retrieved :rtype: list """ if not models: return []'RETRIEVE retrieving "{}"'.format(relationship_name)) model_classes = {m.__class__.__name__ for m in models} assert ( len(model_classes) == 1 ), "Models must be all of the same BaseModel, but found {}".format( model_classes ) if relation is None: relation = self._get_relation_from_model( models[0], relationship_name, strict ) if relation is None: return [] else: if relationship_name in models[0].get_relationships(): raise BrowserException( 'Cannot add new relationship "{}" because it already exists in the ' "model definition".format(relationship_name) ) # TODO: add relationship handler for Many and One if relation.__class__.__name__ not in self.ACCEPTED_GET_RELATION_TYPES: raise BrowserException( 'retrieve is not supported for the "{}" relationship'.format( relation.__class__.__name__ ) )"RETRIEVE {}: {}".format(relationship_name, relation)) if not force_refresh: needs_refresh = [ m for m in models if not m.is_deserialized(relationship_name) ] no_refresh = [m for m in models if m.is_deserialized(relationship_name)] else: needs_refresh = models no_refresh = [] if needs_refresh: if hasattr(relation, "through_model_attr"): found_models = self._retrieve_has_many_through( needs_refresh, relationship_name, strict=strict ) else: found_models = self._retrieve_has_many_or_has_one( needs_refresh, relationship_name, relation, strict=strict ) else: found_models = [] 'RETRIEVE retrieved {} for "{}"'.format( len(found_models), relationship_name ) ) for model in no_refresh: val = getattr(model, relationship_name) if isinstance(val, list): found_models += val else: found_models.append(val) return list(set(found_models))
[docs] def recursive_retrieve( self, models: List[ModelBase], relations: Union[str, List[BaseRelationship], Dict], strict: bool = True, force_refresh: bool = False, ): """Efficiently retrieve a model relationship recursively from an iterable. The relations_dict iterable may be either a list or a dictionary. For example, the following will collect all of the field_values and their incoming and outgoing wires, the connecting field_values, and finally those FieldValues' operations. .. code-block:: relation_dict = { "field_values": { "wires_as_dest": { "source": "operation", "destination": "operation" }, "wires_as_source": { "source": "operation", "destination": "operation" }, } } browser.retrieve(operations, relation_dict) :param models: models to retrieve from :type models: list :param relations: the relation to retrieve. May be a string (by \ attribute name), a list, or a dict. :type relations: list|dict|basestring :param strict: wither to ignore database inconsistencies :param force_refresh: :type force_refresh: bool :return: dictionary of all models retrieved grouped by the attribute \ name that retrieved them. :rtype: dictionary """"RETRIEVE recursively retrieving {}".format(relations)) if isinstance(relations, str):'RETRIEVE retrieving "{}"'.format(relations)) return { relations: self.retrieve( models, relations, strict=strict, force_refresh=force_refresh ) } elif ( isinstance(relations, list) or isinstance(relations, set) or isinstance(relations, dict) or isinstance(relations, tuple) ): models_by_attr = {} for relation_name in relations: models_by_attr.setdefault(relation_name, []) new_models = self.retrieve( models, relation_name, strict=strict, force_refresh=force_refresh ) models_by_attr[relation_name] += new_models if isinstance(relations, dict): _models_by_attr = self.recursive_retrieve( new_models, dict(relations).pop(relation_name), strict=strict, force_refresh=force_refresh, ) for attr in _models_by_attr: _models = _models_by_attr[attr] if attr in models_by_attr: models_by_attr[attr] += _models else: models_by_attr[attr] = _models_by_attr[attr] return models_by_attr elif not strict: return [] else: raise BrowserException( "Type {} for is not recognized for recursive_retrieve".format( type(relations) ) )
[docs] @classmethod def sample_network( cls, samples: List[Sample], reverse: bool = False, g: nx.DiGraph = None, get_models: Callable = None, cache_func: Callable = None, key_func: Callable = None, ) -> nx.DiGraph: """Build a DAG of :class:`Samples <pydent.models.Sample>` from their. :class:`FieldValues <pydent.models.FieldValue>`. .. versionadded:: 0.1.5a7 method added .. versionchanged:: 0.1.5a16 added optional get_models, cache_func, key_func arguments :param samples: list of samples :param reverse: whether to reverse the edges of the final graph :param g: the graph :return: """ if not get_models: def get_models(model): for fv in model.field_values: if fv.sample and issubclass(type(fv.sample), ModelBase): yield fv.sample, {"field_value_name":} if not cache_func: def cache_func(models): sess = models[0].session sess.browser.get(models, {"field_values": "sample"}) return cls.relationship_network( samples, get_models=get_models, cache_func=cache_func, reverse=reverse, g=g, key_func=key_func, )
[docs] @classmethod def relationship_network( cls, models: List[ModelBase], get_models: Callable, cache_func: Callable = None, key_func: Callable = None, reverse: bool = False, g: nx.DiGraph = None, strict_cache: bool = True, ): """Build a DAG of related models based on some relationships. By default are built from a model using (model.__class__.__name__, model._primary_key) .. versionadded:: 0.1.5a7 method added .. seealso:: Usage example :meth:`sample_network <pydent.browser.Browser.sample_network>` :param models: list of models :param get_models: A function that takes in a single instance of a Model and returns an iterable of Tuples of (model, data), which is used to build edges. :param key_func: An optional function that takes in a single instance of a Model and returns a key and some node data :param cache_func: A function that takes in a list of models and caches some results. :param g: optional nx.DiGraph :param reverse: whether to reverse the edge list :param strict_cache: if True, if a request occurs after the cache step, a ForbiddenRequestException will be raised. :return: the relationship graph """ if key_func is None: def key_func(m): return (m.__class__.__name__, m._primary_key), {} if g is None: g = nx.DiGraph() models = list(models) if not models: return g for m in models: key, ndata = key_func(m) g.add_node(key, attr_dict=ndata) visited = list(g.nodes) if cache_func: cache_func(models) new_models = [] new_edges = [] if strict_cache: kwargs = {"using_requests": False, "session_swap": True} else: kwargs = {} with models[0].session(**kwargs): try: for m1 in models: for m2, data in get_models(m1): if key_func(m2)[0] not in visited: new_models.append(m2) new_edges.append((key_func(m2)[0], key_func(m1)[0], data)) except ForbiddenRequestError as e: msg = ( "An exception occurred while strict_cache == True.\n" "This is most likely due to the cache_func not being thorough.\n" "{}".format(str(e)) ) raise e.__class__(msg) for n1, n2, edata in new_edges: if reverse: g.add_edge(n2, n1, attr_dict=edata) else: g.add_edge(n1, n2, attr_dict=edata) return cls.relationship_network( new_models, get_models, cache_func, key_func=key_func, g=g, reverse=reverse, strict_cache=strict_cache, )
# def relationship_network(self, models, get_models, cache_func, g=None): # """ # # # .. versionadded:: 0.1.5a7 # # # :param models: # :param get_models: # :param g: # :return: # """ # # def model_to_key(m): # return (m.__class__.__name__, # # if g is None: # g = nx.DiGraph() # for m in models: # g.add_node(model_to_key(m)) # # cache_func(models) # # for m in models: # next_models = get_models(m)
[docs] def get( self, models: List[ModelBase], relations: List[BaseRelationship] = None, query: dict = None, strict: bool = True, force_refresh: bool = False, ) -> Union[Dict[str, List[ModelBase]], List[ModelBase]]: """ :param models: :param relations: :param query: :param strict: :param force_refresh: :return: """ if isinstance(models, ModelBase): models = [models] elif isinstance(models, str): models = list(self.model_cache.get(models, {}).values()) if query: models, _ = self._find_matches(query, models) if relations: if isinstance(relations, str): return self.retrieve( models, relations, strict=strict, force_refresh=force_refresh ) else: return self.recursive_retrieve( models, relations, strict=strict, force_refresh=force_refresh ) else: return models
[docs] def export_samples_to_csv(self, samples, out): """Exports the samples to a csv (for Aquarium import) :param samples: list of samples :type samples: list :param out: output path of csv file :type out: basestring :return: pandas dataframe used for the csv :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ df = self.samples_to_df(samples) df.to_csv(out) return df
[docs] def samples_to_rows(self, samples, sample_resolver=None): """Return row of dictionaries containing sample information and their properties. Can be imported into a pandas DataFrame: .. code-block:: python import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(samples_to_rows(samples)) :param samples: samples, all of same sample type :type samples: list :param sample_resolver: callable to resolve a sample object if the \ field value property contains a sample. \ Defaults to return the sample name. :type sample_resolver: callable :return: list of dictionaries containing sample info and properties :rtype: list """ assert ( len({s.sample_type_id for s in samples}) == 1 ), "Samples be the of the same SampleType" sample_type = samples[0].sample_type # self.recursive_retrieve(samples, { # "field_values": "sample", # "sample_type": { # "field_types" # } # }) if sample_resolver is None: def default_resolver(sample): if isinstance(sample, pydent_models.Sample): return if isinstance(sample, list): resolved_samples = [] for s in sample: if isinstance(s, pydent_models.Sample): resolved_samples.append( else: resolved_samples.append(s) sample = resolved_samples return sample sample_resolver = default_resolver rows = [] for s in samples: row = {, "Description": s.description, "Project": s.project, } props = {k: sample_resolver(v) for k, v in} row.update(props) rows.append(row) return rows
# TODO: add to change log @staticmethod def _inspect_header(model, name=None, _id="id"): if name is not None: name = eval("model.{}".format(name)) else: name = "" return "{model_class}: {_id} {name}".format( model_class=model.__class__.__name__, name=name, _id=eval("model.{}".format(_id)), ) # TODO: add to change log @staticmethod def _inspect_rows(model, attributes, indent=2): rows = [] for attr in attributes: rows.append( "{attr}: {val}".format(attr=attr, val=eval("model.{}".format(attr))) ) sep = "\n" + " " * indent s = sep + sep.join(rows) return s # TODO: add to change log @classmethod def inspect(cls, model, header, attributes): model_header = cls._inspect_header(model, **header) rows = cls._inspect_rows(model, attributes) return "{header}{rows}".format(header=model_header, rows=rows)