Source code for pydent.aqhttp

AqHTTP (:mod:`pydent.aqhttp`)

.. currentmodule:: pydent.aqhttp

Request class for making raw http requests to Aquarium

This module contains the AqHTTP class, which can make arbitrary post/put/get
requests to Aquarium and returns JSON data.

Generally, Trident users should be unable to make arbitrary requests using this
Users should only access these methods indirectly through a ``Session`` or
``SessionInterface`` instance.
import json
from typing import Dict

import requests
from retry import retry

from pydent.exceptions import ForbiddenRequestError
from pydent.exceptions import TridentJSONDataIncomplete
from pydent.exceptions import TridentLoginError
from pydent.exceptions import TridentRequestError
from pydent.exceptions import TridentTimeoutError
from pydent.utils import logger
from pydent.utils import pprint_data
from pydent.utils import url_build


[docs]class AqHTTP: """Defines a Python to Aquarium server connection. Makes HTTP requests to Aquarium and returns JSON. This class should be obscured from Trident users so that they cannot make arbitrary requests to an Aquarium server and get sensitive information (e.g. User json that is returned contains api_key, password_digest, etc.) or make damaging posts. These requests should be made by a SessionInterface object instead. """ TIMEOUT = 10
[docs] def __init__(self, login: str, password: str, aquarium_url: str): """Initializes an aquarium session with login, password, and server. :param login: Aquarium login :type login: str :param aquarium_url: aquarium url to the server :type aquarium_url: str """ self.login = login #: the user login name self.aquarium_url = aquarium_url #: the aquarium url self._requests_session = None #: the requests session self.timeout = self.__class__.TIMEOUT #: the timeout (s) for requests self._login(login, password) self.log = logger(name="AqHTTP@{}".format(aquarium_url)) #: the logger self._using_requests = True #: if False, any HTTP requests will throw and error self.num_requests = 0 #: number of requests counter
[docs] def on(self): """Turn on requests. When requests are off, this causes. :class:`ForbiddenRequestError <pydent.exceptions.ForbiddenRequestError>` to be raised if a request is made. :return: None """ self._using_requests = True
[docs] def off(self): """Turn off requests. Will cause. :class:`ForbiddenRequestError <pydent.exceptions.ForbiddenRequestError>` to be raised if a request is made. :return: None """ self._using_requests = False
@staticmethod def _format_response_info( response: requests.Response, include_text: bool = False, include_body: bool = False, ) -> str: if response is not None: if response.status_code >= 400: include_text = True info = dict(response.request.__dict__) info.update({"seconds": response.elapsed.total_seconds()}) msg = "REQUEST: (t={seconds}s) {method} {url}".format(**info) if include_body: body = info["body"] try: my_json = body.decode("utf8").replace("'", '"') body = json.loads(my_json) body = pprint_data(body, max_list_len=10) except Exception: pass msg = msg + "\n" + "BODY: {body}".format(body=body) if include_text: text = getattr(response, "text", "") try: text = json.dumps(json.loads(text), indent=2) except Exception: pass msg = msg + "\n" + "TEXT: {text}".format(text=text) return msg return "RESPONSE: NO RESPONSE" @staticmethod def _format_request_status(response: requests.Response) -> str: if response is not None: return "STATUS: {} {}".format(response.status_code, response.reason) return "STATUS: NO RESPONSE" @property def url(self) -> str: """An alias of aquarium_url.""" return self.aquarium_url @staticmethod def create_session_json(login: str, password: str) -> Dict: return {"session": {"login": login, "password": password}}
[docs] @retry( TridentLoginError, delay=LOGIN_RETRY_DELAY, backoff=LOGIN_RETRY_BACKOFF, max_delay=LOGIN_RETRY_MAX_DELAY, tries=3, ) def _login(self, login: str, password: str): """Login to aquarium and saves header as a requests.Session() :param login: Aquarium login :param password: Aquarium password :return: None :raises: TridentLoginError: If Aquarium authentication fails or server could not be contacted TridentTimeoutError: If response time exceeds specified timeout """ session_data = self.create_session_json(login, password) try: res = url_build(self.aquarium_url, "sessions.json"), json=session_data, timeout=self.timeout, ) if res is None: raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError cookies = dict(res.cookies) # Check for remember token if not any(["remember_token" in k for k in dict(res.cookies)]): raise TridentLoginError( "Authentication error - Cannot connect to Aquarium at {}. " "Please check that your login, password, and url are correct." ) # fix remember token (for some outdated versions of Aquarium) for c in dict(cookies): if "remember_token" in c: cookies["remember_token"] = cookies[c] # TODO: do we remove the session cookie to handle asynchronous requests? self.cookies = dict(cookies) except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema as error: raise TridentLoginError( "Aquarium URL {} incorrectly formatted. {}".format( self.aquarium_url, error.args[0] ) ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: raise TridentTimeoutError( "Either Aquarium took too long to respond during login or your internet" " connection is slow. Make sure the url {} is correct." " Alternatively, use Session.set_timeout" " to increase the request timeout.".format(self.aquarium_url) ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise TridentLoginError( "Could not contact '{}'. Login request returned no response".format( self.aquarium_url ) )
@staticmethod def _serialize_request(url: str, method: str, body: dict) -> str: return json.dumps({"url": url, "method": method, "body": body}, sort_keys=True) @classmethod def _dispatch_response(cls, response): if response.status_code == 422: pass elif response.status_code >= 400: response_info = cls._format_response_info(response) request_status = cls._format_request_status(response) msg = "\n".join( [ "The Aquarium server returned an error.", request_status, response_info, ] ) raise TridentRequestError(msg, response)
[docs] def request( self, method: str, path: str, timeout: int = None, allow_none: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """Performs a http request. :param method: request method (e.g. 'put', 'post', 'get', etc.) :type method: str :param path: url to perform the request :type path: str :param timeout: time in seconds to process request before raising exception :type timeout: int :param allow_none: if False will raise error when json_data contains a None or null value (default: True) :type allow_none: boolean :param kwargs: additional arguments to post to request :type kwargs: dict :return: json :rtype: dict """ url = url_build(self.aquarium_url, path) if not self._using_requests: raise ForbiddenRequestError( "Attempted a request ({} {}) when requests have been turned OFF." "\nDATA: {}".format(method.upper(), url, kwargs["json"]) ) if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout if not allow_none and "json" in kwargs: self._disallow_null_in_json(kwargs["json"]) self.num_requests += 1 response = requests.request( method, url, timeout=timeout, cookies=self.cookies, **kwargs ) self._dispatch_response(response) return self._response_to_json(response)
[docs] def _response_to_json(self, response: requests.Response) -> dict: """Turns :class:`requests.Request` instance into a json. Raises TridentRequestError if an error occurs. """ if response.url == url_build(self.aquarium_url, "signin"): msg = ( "There was an error with authenticating the request. Aquarium " + "re-routed to the sign-in page." ) raise TridentRequestError(msg, response) try: response_json = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: msg = "Response is not JSON formatted" msg += "\nMessage:\n" + response.text self.log.error(self._format_response_info(response)) raise TridentRequestError(msg, response) if response_json: if "errors" in response_json: errors = response_json["errors"] if isinstance(errors, list): errors = "\n".join(errors) msg = "Error response:\n{}".format(errors) raise TridentRequestError(msg, response) return response_json
[docs] @staticmethod def _disallow_null_in_json(json_data: dict): """Raises :class:pydent.exceptions.TridentJSONDataIncomplete exception if json data being sent contains a null value. :raises: TridentJSONDataIncomplete: if json data containers a null or None value. """ if None in json_data.values(): raise TridentJSONDataIncomplete( "JSON data {} contains a null value.".format(json_data) )
[docs] def post( self, path: str, json_data: dict = None, timeout: int = None, allow_none: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """Make a post request to the session. :param path: url :type path: str :param json_data: json_data to post :type json_data: dict :param timeout: time in seconds to process request before raising exception :type timeout: int :param allow_none: if False throw error if json_data contains a null or None value (default True) :type allow_none: boolean :param kwargs: additional arguments to post to request :type kwargs: dict :return: json :rtype: dict """ return self.request( "post", path, json=json_data, timeout=timeout, allow_none=allow_none, **kwargs, )
[docs] def put( self, path: str, json_data: dict = None, timeout: int = None, allow_none: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """Make a put request to the session. :param path: url :type path: str :param json_data: json_data to post :type json_data: dict :param timeout: time in seconds to process request before raising exception :type timeout: int :param allow_none: if False throw error when json_data contains a null or None value (default True) :type allow_none: boolean :param kwargs: additional arguments to post to request :type kwargs: dict :return: json :rtype: dict """ return self.request( "put", path, json=json_data, timeout=timeout, allow_none=allow_none, **kwargs, )
[docs] def get( self, path: str, timeout: int = None, allow_none: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Make a get request to the session. :param path: url :type path: str :param timeout: time in seconds to process request before raising exception :type timeout: int :param allow_none: if False throw error when json_data contains a null or None value (default: True) :type allow_none: boolean :param kwargs: additional arguments to post to request :type kwargs: dict :return: json :rtype: dict """ return self.request( "get", path, timeout=timeout, allow_none=allow_none, **kwargs )
def delete(self, path: str, timeout: int = None, **kwargs) -> dict: return self.request("delete", path, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "<{}(user='{}', url='{}')>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.login, self.aquarium_url ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()