
Add Job Assignment Tables to Aquarium

Please use these instructions to add the job assignment tables to your Aquarium database.

We suggest you back up your database before you proceeding.

Getting Started - Backing up your Database

  1. To make a database dump run the following:

    docker-compose up -d db
    docker-compose exec db mysqldump -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD production > production_dump.sql
    docker-compose down -v

    Be sure to use the values of MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD from .env

    Your database will be backed up on production_dump.sql

Add Job Assignment Tables

  1. Stop Aquarium

    docker-compose down -v
  2. Run the following database migration file to add the tables

    docker-compose run --rm app rake db:migrate VERSION=20200910000000
  3. Restart Aquarium

    docker-compose up